Design Automation Department



EWDTS 2019 News

EWDTS 2019 News


Dear IEEE EWDTS 2019 participants!
Congratulations with Your papers, published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library!
We will be glad to see you again in Varna, Bulgaria, September 2020!

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Congratulations on your anniversary!

Congratulations on your anniversary!


Congratulations on your anniversary!
On November 3, professor of the Design Automation Department Vladimir Nemchenko, celebrates his 70th birthday. He devoted 52 years to serving science and education at our university!
The staff of the department cordially congratulates Vladimir Nemchenko on his anniversary and wishes him good health, prosperity, creativity, all the best for many years of active scientific and educational activity!

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Our Master Students are in Sweden now!

Our Master Students are in Sweden now!


Graduate students of the APVT department Konstantin Yevchuk and Vladislav Sergienko study under the European academic mobility program Erasmus + at the Blekinge Institute of Technology, BTH, Karlskrona, Sweden. During the program, students will gain theoretical and practical skills in programming operating systems, security and software architecture. According to students: “We have been here for 2 months, and this is a very unusual learning experience. The main difference between Swedish education is the focus on discussions, practical bias and analysis of real situations, which is very important in our industry. Instead of the usual 7-10 subjects, there are only 4 of them studied per semester, but each of them consists of 7.5 ECTS and is very concentrated. The course structure itself is also interesting. Firstly, a fairly large amount of work is carried out on self-study. The results of this work are subsequently controlled by written assignments. Secondly, in lectures, attention is paid to the discussion and the formation of students’ own opinions and arguments, which contributes to a better assimilation of the material. Everything is very interactive here. A large library with a learning-friendly atmosphere and the accessibility of group rooms that are equipped with televisions and whiteboards. Students can occupy these rooms to discuss common projects, without any restrictions. It should be noted that the university is open 24/7 and access is via student card. Any student can go to the university and occupy any classroom or computer class at a convenient time, even on weekends. ”

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„Радиоэлектроника и информатика” has passed the evaluation process positively

„Радиоэлектроника и информатика” has passed the evaluation process positively


We would like to kindly inform you that the journal „Радиоэлектроника и информатика (ISSN: 1563-0064)” has passed the evaluation process positively and is indexed in the ICI Journals Master List database for 2018. Based on the information submitted in the evaluation and the analysis of the issues of the journal from 2018, Index Copernicus Experts calculated the Index Copernicus Value (ICV) for 2018: ICV = 81,04

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17th IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium – 2019

17th IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium – 2019


The teachers and scientists of Design Automation Department took part at the 17th IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium – 2019, September 13 – 16, Batumi (Georgia). Total number of authors: 326. Number of accepted papers: 110. Number of participating countries: 23 (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Estonia, France, Georgia, Germany, Iran, Israel, Italy, Myanmar, Poland, Russian Federation, Serbia, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Uzbekistan). Number of keynotes is 1 and number of invited talk is 3. Number of Universities and Companies is 90. Number of cities is 87.

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April 9-11 in Odessa was held the All-Ukrainian student Olympiad on technical diagnostics of computing devices and systems, which was attended by students of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.
According to the results of the Olympiad the team of the Design Automation Department of NURE including Vladislav Sergienko, Maxim Gogi, Sergey Kostyuk, Krivitsky, Andrei, Kirill Kravtsov, under the direction of Assistant Professor of the Department Elvira Kulak won a victory.
In addition, Vladislav Sergienko took the 1st place in the individual competition.

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Design & Test Lab company conducts an event for students

Design & Test Lab company conducts an event for students


On April 6, 2019, the partner of the Design Automation Department – “Design & Test Lab company”, based on the Startup club NURE, conducts an event for students

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Arduino Day Summary

Arduino Day Summary


We actively celebrated World Arduino Day. You can watch the video on our You-tube channel

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Arduino Day

Arduino Day


On Saturday, March 16, 2019, Design Automation Department celebrates International Arduino Day!
Location: Laboratory 338 in the NURE Main Building.
You are welcome!

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Job Fair on Design Automation Department

Job Fair on Design Automation Department


On November 17, 2017, a round table of Job Fair was held with the participation employers and partners of Design Automation Department. Students were addressed by Vladimir Obrizan, director of Design & Test Lab, and Dmitry Mostovoy, head of ALTRON. The discussion was attended by teachers and Master Students of the DAD.

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Kyivstar company visiting Design Automation Department

Kyivstar company visiting Design Automation Department


In part of cooperation with employers, an interesting lecture about startups and innovations was represented by Kyivstar company at the Design Autonation Department. Speakers are Alla Sladovskaya, Alexey Mas, Maxim Bakhmatov.

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