Design Automation Department


Student feedback

In this section, you can read student reviews of the department.

Student feedback
Now I am a 5th year student at the DAD department. I chose this particular department because I was interested in microcontrollers and embedded systems. At the moment, I also work in the embedded field using knowledge of computer networks. It was very difficult to choose a department both in the first year and when entering the magistracy. The faculty of CEC itself was interested in a wide range of knowledge that graduates of our faculty receive (both software and hardware). And for a person who, after school, does not know what exactly he wants to do, this is the best option. Directly our department provides many opportunities for improving the skills of working with microcontrollers, as well as a lot of subjects that will be useful in further work in the IT field. Of course, a prerequisite for success in this area is self-study and the desire to learn new things. But the department provides a fairly broad base for development as a good specialist.

(Віолетта, 5 course)


Student feedback
I chose the specialty “Computer Engineering” not by chance. Today, trends in the development of modern IT technologies in all sorts of areas and spheres of life are attracting more and more people to study sciences in those universities where the list of IT specialties provides the greatest opportunities for becoming a specialist in this area. And I was no exception. The four-year study in this specialty gave me not only a fundamental idea of ​​the structure of modern IT technologies, but also helped me to determine the direction in the further study of sciences at the АПВТ department. Many teachers are representatives of successful IT companies, which opens up employment opportunities or choosing a direction of scientific activity. The emphasis of the 4-year course was directed more towards the development of software solutions for existing systems. But the choice of the СКС direction helped me to focus on the study of those areas that relate directly to the development of new hardware solutions for modern computer technologies and to go deeper into understanding the physical essence of the structure of components of computing systems in order to discover new methods of introducing the latest technologies into the sphere of human life.

(Микита, 5 course)


Student feedback
My name is Kaminsky Adrian, fifth-year student. When I went to uni, I didn’t expect to be working in IT in a couple of years. The department is a good base. From the very beginning, there was confidence that the university would be given a basic knowledge and put a vector where and with what to work with. APVT is more about hardware development. Even if you don’t work with hardware, knowledge is useful regardless. Even now, working outside the hardware, DevOps developers at the company ask what is best and how best to do it.
About programming – in the first year there was a good course in C++, which may seem difficult for beginners, but was spelled out in such a way that every Flux student could understand and master it. The course was expanded with knowledge of CCS and structures and algorithms. Further languages such as C #were considered and MYSQL was considered, which I continue to apply in my work. Speaking of «hardware» development were studied languages such as VHDL, Verilog, which allowed programming boards.

(Адріан, 5 course)


Student feedback
I am now a 5th year student at the DAD department at KNURE. The choice was dictated by several factors:
I like the level at which computer systems are studied (from the very bottom and up);
I started to study computer engineering at Donetsk Polytechnic University, and when the question arose about continuing education, the APVT department became a logical continuation of what I had begun;
Interesting and relevant material is taught, which is useful later in the work.
And although I do not work in my specialty, the knowledge gained at the university allows a deeper understanding of what is behind this or that technology, which restrictions come from the hardware, and which ones come from the software part, why certain things are implemented in a certain way, how you can improve your own code. And since I had a break in my education, the subjects taught filled the gaps in understanding formed due to a set of practical skills, in which there was not enough time to deeply study the theory. As the modern world moves more and more towards computerization, a holistic vision helps to be more efficient and flexible.

(Василь, 5 course)


Student feedback
During my studies in Computer Engineering and Management, I had the opportunity to learn about many areas and areas of IT. I was most interested in the topic of digital systems on crystals, so my choice was the Department of Automation Design of Numerical Technology, namely the specialty of Specialized Computer Systems. The good thing is that teachers are responsive and will always help if you have difficulties during the learning process. The specialty provides good skills in the field of creating specialized computer systems for information processing and management, creation and use of specialized software for the development and operation of cyberphysical systems, embedded systems, FPGA systems.

(Максим, 5 course)


Student feedback
Entering to university was my first step on the path to IT, so I didn’t have a clear idea of ​​what I wanted to do. After studying for almost 5 years, I can say that I made the right choice. Design Automation department opens a large number of opportunities for students. The department teaches a wide range of disciplines, from programming microcontrollers to creating websites. Such a wide selection gives you the opportunity to get acquainted with different areas of the IT industry, try to use different programming languages ​​of different levels, such as VHDL, C / C ++, PHP, Java, Swift and choose what is closest to you. Teachers will always help with mastering the material during lectures and practical classes. After the first two years of study, it is already possible to use the acquired skills to find a job. I would also like to point out that teachers always ready to help students who combine work with learning.

(Максим, 5 course)


Student feedback
In all five years of study, I have never regretted my choice. I will not dissemble, the first two courses are given with less zeal, I realized this after reviewing my record book. I identified several reasons: firstly, the transition from school life to student life: you become left to yourself and do not always have time to get ready; and secondly, the subjects are general in nature, and mathematics and logic have always been difficult for me. But starting from the third year, it becomes clear what and with whom you are dealing, how interesting it is to listen to teachers. For me, it was the third year that became a turning point when I finally realized that the choice was right

(Даніл, 5 course)


Student feedback
Hello, first of all I want to express my gratitude to the faculty of CEC for the acquired knowledge, a lot of pleasant memories and new acquaintances. I chose the Department of Design Automation department for its wide coverage of various specialties that cover many areas, such as hardware (boards, microcontrollers), binary logic, and even the basics of creating sites (both front-end and back-end). Some of my favorite disciplines in this department were Computer Logic and Specialized Microcontroller Systems. I was also pleased that the teachers had a desire to help and explain the material for students, which cannot but be a plus of the Department of Design Automation 🙂

(Vsevolod, 5th course)


Student feedback
Hello everyone. When I entered the CEC I was poorly familiar with the structure of a standard computer, and even less with programming. In the process of learning with each new discipline, I acquired the necessary skills that were useful to me in everyday life and when applying for a job. I would like to note the responsive teaching staff of the Department of Design Automation, which gets along well with students and is highly qualified. Of the disciplines that provide a starting point in the IT world, this is OOP and everything related to the C++ programming language, as well as Computer Architecture. In general, if you want to conquer the world of technology, you need to visit us at the CEC!

(Pavlo, 5th course)


Student feedback
During my studies in Computer Engineering and Management, I had the opportunity to learn about many areas and areas of IT. I was most interested in the topic of digital systems on crystals, so my choice was the Department of Automation Design of Numerical Technology, namely the specialty of Specialized Computer Systems. The good thing is that teachers are responsive and will always help if you have difficulties during the learning process. The specialty provides good skills in the field of creating specialized computer systems for information processing and management, creation and use of specialized software for the development and operation of cyber-physical systems, embedded systems, FPGA systems.

(Anon, 5th course)


Student feedback
Hello everyone, my name is Danil and I am a 5th year student in the Department of Design Automation. At our department, you can always approach the teacher if something is not clear or interesting to you. Separately, I want to note how easily our department switched to distance learning, which speaks of the high quality of specialists and their willingness to perceive the new. In the Department of Design Automation you can meet specialists in many areas from microcontrollers and radio engineers to Computer Science specialists, and therefore the most sophisticated mind can easily find it here. For me, the department provides ample opportunities for development, as a specialist and as a person. I would also like to note the warm atmosphere in the department and the tolerance of senior teachers, and sometimes support for the hobbies and interests of students. For me, the Department of Design Automation was an obvious choice, because. It is able to satisfy both my research interests and more personal aspects.

(Danylo, 5th course)


Student feedback
I transferred to the faculty of CEC at the 5th semester of study after a year of “rest” and expulsion from the KPI. I immediately noticed the courteous and qualified staff of the dean’s office. After several years of study in the specialty “computer engineering” I was taught to assemble and program my devices based on microcontrollers. The goal of teachers is to teach students something, not to exclude them. Therefore, they are making concessions and updating their methods to better educate young people. I can also emphasize the conclusion of obsolete subjects from the list of teachings and their replacement with more modern ones, almost everything can be found in electronic form, from problems with books and articles. I was also lucky with a group that accepted the newcomer well and helped me to get comfortable in a new environment for me.

(Vladyslav, 5th course)


Student feedback
When I entered the university, I could not determine my strengths and weaknesses for working in IT. But the subjects taught at the APVT department helped me find out what I do best and develop in these areas. The knowledge provided by the department covers a wide range of areas: from programming microcontrollers to developing web interfaces and testing, which contributes to acquiring the skills necessary for work. Learning such programming languages as C/C++, C#, Java, Swift, VHDL, Verilog helps to understand the processes occurring in programming at all levels of computer devices. The teachers of the department are distinguished by a well-structured presentation of information, which greatly simplifies the learning process. The administration of the department creates a friendly atmosphere for its students, as well as students of other departments and faculties. I am very glad that I chose this department to continue my studies, and I wish its students and teachers further success in the field of science and technology.

(Ruslan, 5th course)


Student feedback
Entering to university was my first step on the path to IT, so I didn’t have a clear idea of what I wanted to do. After studying for almost 5 years, I can say that I made the right choice. The design Automation department opens a large number of opportunities for students. The department teaches a wide range of disciplines, from programming microcontrollers to creating websites. Such a wide selection gives you the opportunity to get acquainted with different areas of the IT industry, try to use different programming languages of different levels, such as VHDL, C / C ++, PHP, Java, Swift and choose what is closest to you. Teachers will always help with mastering the material during lectures and practical classes. After the first two years of study, it is already possible to use the acquired skills to find a job. I would also like to point out that teachers always ready to help students who combine work with learning.

(Anon, 5th course)


Student feedback
Hello everyone, my name is Nazar, I am a 5th year student at the Department of Design Automation. Even after graduating from school, I chose the path of IT, but could not decide what to do there. The 123th major – computer engineering – is very attractive because you can study programming and “dig in iron” at the same time. Of course, we studied only a few languages and did not delve much into different concepts of circuitry. But over the years (during the bachelor’s period) I realized that I was right in choosing a specialty, I still like to program and feel with my hands what I create. It is the department of the Department of Design Automationthat helps to feel like a real creator of something important and amazing. The world of microcontrollers is about the Department of Design Automation. We studied hardware languages (VHDL, Verilog), basics of artificial intelligence, computer logic, cloud technologies and much more. Teachers are all nice and highly qualified people. Laboratory works, lectures are interesting, you can always learn something new and interesting. Working students are loyal, even more so – both the faculty and the department cooperate with well-known companies (such as GlobalLogic), which is very useful in finding their first job for young students.

(Nazar, 5th course)


Student feedback
Hello, my name is Nikita, I am a fifth-year student of the Design Automation Department. In my case, the choice of this department was due to circumstances, as I had previously been in another department. When I was a freshman and a sophomore, I always associated the Design Automation Department with professional and charismatic teachers.
What was the cost of the subject “Computer Logic” in the first year, interesting lectures in which there was a lively discussion. Of course, not only did I remember this subject, we were also taught “Languages of hardware description”, there were difficulties in performing laboratory work on this subject, but the guidelines were written very easily and clearly. In addition, there were disciplines: “Computer Architecture”, which was also not simple, but later understood, “Computer Electronics”, and “Object-Oriented Programming”, which is the most important course in further training in programming.
When I entered the fifth year, I already knew that further education would be at the highest level.

(Mykyta, 5th course)


Student feedback
My name is Catherine, and I’m a fifth-year student in the Department of Design Automation. Fundamental knowledge for each programmer such as “Object-oriented programming”, “Data structure and algorithms” were obtained at the Department of Design Automation. They were made clear and accessible. The knowledge I received in this department did not pass me by. Without the sensitivity and hard work of our teachers, I would not have been able to understand the subjects studied so well.
The department gave me a good base for further work in the best IT companies in the city. Since the 4th year, I have been working in a leading software development company and applied the acquired knowledge in practice.
Thanks to my training in the Department of Design Automation, I have found unified thinking not only among students, but also in the person of professors. Thank you for a wonderful university year!

(Kate, 5th course)


Student feedback
Good day, my name is Valery, I am a 5th year student. After the second year of study at the Faculty of Computer Engineering and Control, I chose the Department of Design Automation. During the training, the advantages of the department became clear, the main one of which is good teachers who explain the subject in an accessible way, regularly update their course based on modern trends, and will meet when solving force majeure issues. The department gives an understanding of how a computer works at a primitive level, which is useful for the entire field of computing. Do not forget about the main focus of the department, namely the development of hardware. Students receive knowledge that, unlike the same programming, cannot be obtained from guides on the Internet.
After graduating from the bachelor’s degree, I decided to continue my studies here, having entered the magistracy in the specialty of SCS. In addition to a more in-depth process of studying microcontrollers, the department also provides an opportunity to study mobile development, learn the basics of artificial intelligence, quantum computing.
In general, after studying at the Department of Design Automation, the knowledge gained allows you to easily master any specialty in the current and future IT field.

(Valerii, 5th course)


Student feedbackMy name is Evgeniy, I am a 5th year student of the APVT department. The department provides a good basis for starting in IT. When I entered the university, I did not even think that in a couple of years I would already be working in the IT field and that it would bring me pleasure. APVT – about the development of hardware, which is useful to know, regardless of who you will be working in IT. The teachers will always help the student. After graduating from the undergraduate degree, I did not think about which department to go to, because I was so used to teachers. They invested in me the knowledge that I thought would not always be useful to me because web development is closer to me, but APVT helps me study related technologies. After all, who knows what I will be doing in the future. Perhaps the knowledge that has been invested here will help me to determine. There is an opportunity to study and work freely, the teachers will always support and help in this.
(Evgeniy, 5 course)


Student feedbackFirst of all, I want to say that I did not consciously choose this department, because I had a lack of knowledge of the subject area. The only thing I knew for sure was that I wanted to develop software.
To begin with, I wanted to get the basic knowledge and skills that are provided in large quantities here. Perhaps at first, it will be quite difficult to grasp and understand all this, but literally, after a while, these skills will help you a lot when choosing a further path. Especially I would pay attention to learning C ++ and OOP, as this knowledge will greatly help you understand programming altogether and switch to another stack if you want. Also, in addition to the basics of programming, you can gain knowledge in the field of databases, testing, mobile development, etc.
If we sum up all of the above, then I can say that here the entire basic set for entering the IT sphere is provided. If you additionally engage in self-study of the specific area, then it will be quite easy to get a good job offer.
(Andrey, 5 course)


Student feedbackGreetings, I would like to share with you my impressions after studying at KNURE at the Faculty of Computer Engineering and Control, and after the second year – at the Department of Design Automation. First of all, I chase this educational institution because of the good reputation of the institution, which has been tested for years, which provides the knowledge necessary to obtain a future profession. Enrolled this institution and wasn’t disappointed, everything turned out as I thought, I was given access to a good library, was given a lot of knowledge in all areas of computer engineering and programming.
Speaking of programming – in the first year there was a good course in C ++, which, although it may seem difficult for beginners, but was laid out in such a way that every student of group was able to understand and master it. This course has been expanded with knowledge of OOP and structures and algorithms. Later, languages such as C # were considered and presented, SQL and MYSQL were considered, which I continue to use in my work. Speaking of “hardware” development, languages such as VHDL, Verilog were studied, which allowed to program boards, and in combination with other subjects such as computer logic or physics to develop new projects both for themselves and for industries, which are very highly paid sphere. So I think if you love to study – this direction will help you achieve great success in life!
(Vyacheslav, 5 course)


Student feedbackWhen I entered the CEC faculty I had a very basic understanding how a computer is designed and worked. In the process of studying I was discovering something new every year. It turned out to be very valuable for me that each discipline explained to me the same topic in different ways. This allowed me to understand how hardware works at different abstraction levels. Moreover, the study of software development was not forgotten. I was impressed by the Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures and Algorithms courses, as they opened up a whole new dimension to programming.
And of course one of my greatest achievements during the years of study at this faculty is my first job in a large company. I am sure that without the help of teachers and studied disciplines, I would not have been able to achieve all this.
Thanks to my study here I met many like-minded students who made my life at the university even more interesting.
(Maxim, 5 course)


Student feedbackStudying at the CEC faculty allowed me to deeply learn the sphere of software development. The courses “Computer Logic” and “Computer Architecture” provided the necessary fundamental knowledge to accelerate the further study of applied disciplines. “Data Structures and Algorithms and “Object Oriented Programming” provided a solid understanding of the tools used in modern software development. And the courses “Hardware Description Languages”, “Computer Electronics” and “Microcontroller Systems” opened up the world of hardware and low-level development for me.
During my studying, I was able to get acquainted with such languages and technologies as: C++, C#, Python, C, VHDL, Verilog, AWS, SQL, Swift, computer networks, operating systems and web programming.
It was not only the teachers who contributed to my knowledge, but also the student community. Due to the diverse faculty profile, people with knowledge from embedded systems and hardware to web development and mobile applications can be found here. This helps me a lot for learning new technologies in my professional career.
(Oleksandr, 5 course)


Student feedbackFor me, the choice of a specialty was more a matter of chance than a conscious choice, because I did not know exactly what I wanted to do in the future, but after the first months of learning, I realized that it was the right choice.
This specialty provides a solid theoretical and practical basis for the vast majority of specialties in the field of CE and CS from website development to FPGA and printed circuit board design.
I paid special attention to courses on studying the C ++ language, C# and computer architecture, which gave me sufficient knowledge so I could already try to get a job at the end of the 2nd year. In terms of combining work with studying, professors are only happy to support you, and the course itself allows you to allocate time for both study and work.
Summarizing the entire course of study, I can say with confidence that this specialization is one of the best, if not the best in preparing people who want to be comprehensively developed in the fields of computer engineering and computer science, professors improve the educational process every day and regularly update their course based on modern trends which allows anyone to get the job in the field or continue their activities in the scientific field.
(Daniil, 5 course)


Student feedbackThe choise of the studiyng specialization was’t done by chance. Before the entering the university I was interested in MCU and C/C++ programming, also heard something about FPGA, but I wasn’t familiar with this thematics. During entering company the neccesary keywords were noticed and the choise was done. After the first classes I understood that the right decision had been done. The attention was paid to the cources related with C++ programming, MCU, FPGA and algorythms and data structures organizing. My working experience started at the beginning or in the middle of the second year studing. It was’t hard to combine work and studying together, in case of in-time compliting university tasks.

It was cool to complete several practical models according to my disciplines, to develop a few studying and home projects. One of them became a basement for a bachelor’s diploma project.

Summarizing all 4 years of my education I can prove that our specialization is placed on the edge of the technical progress and it’s quite actual. Our teachers are professional in their fields. The possibility of adding innovational ideas to the studying process and extending student thematics is available as well.
(Valentyn, 5 course)


Student feedbackThe teaching staff primarily determined the choice of a specialty for me. Competent teachers in such areas as OOP, STL, computer logic, microcontroller programming, FPGA. The teachers took into account the specifics of the direction and treated people working from the early courses with understanding, which greatly helped in professional development.
Creative thematic activity is encouraged, such as course group projects, home projects, and experience in the specialty of the course. I think the main advantage is the progressiveness of the educational process, which is very important for such a relevant specialty. Teachers are competent and open to student initiatives.
(Ilya, 5 course)


Student feedbackHello! I am a 5th year student, specializing in Special Computer Systems, (Faculty of Computer Engineering and Control ).
After school, I clearly understood that I wanted to go to KNURE. I attended open house days and I was very attracted to several things. The first is a positive and open atmosphere of events with a lot of demonstration installations that really showed what a particular faculty is doing. The second is a professional, responsive teaching staff, who from the first open house day made it clear what I will be doing and what we will be studying.
From the first classes I realized that I was not mistaken with the choice of the faculty. From the first year, we were given orderly knowledge by the most responsive teachers who were ready to stay with the students until 8 pm, when something was not clear to us, and they are able to competently tell us what are microcontrollers, FPGAs, structures and algorithms and algorithms are and much more. Thus, reaching out for teachers and information, at the end of the second year it was decided to continue studying in the specialty Computer Systems and, ending the first semester of the 5th year, I can say that the decision was correct
(Mariіa, 5 course)


Student feedbackI don’t regret my choice. At the Faculty of Computer Engineering and Control, there is a full spectrum of a different courses: you can try yourself at hardware and software fields. This helps you to understand which career path you want to choose in the future. Or understand which direction you definitely don’t wanna go.
I chose the Design Automation Department department because when I went through a couple of courses from this department and met some teachers, I was satisfied. There are many practicing teachers at the department who are interested in teaching their subject.
I’d like to note the technical progress at the University – there are corporate email and cloud storage, free access to Wi-Fi at the University, as well as free access to many software tools that are necessary through learning (OS, IDE, office suite). All these things make learning much more comfortable. Quarantine 2020 was an example of how well the University is developing – the transition to distance learning was quick and comfortable.

(Tania , 5 course)


Student feedbackAs an applicant, I entered the first year of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (KNURE), the reason for this was my interest in the field of IT, as well as its global success and prospects. With regards to the question: “Where should I go to?”, well, my personal choice fell on the faculty of [Computer engineering and management], the department of [Design automation of Computer Technology] (APVT). Upon admission, I was more than attracted by, firstly, the prospect of a software developer, and secondly, the general development of computer and mobile devices, the second point I really considered as a pleasant addition and a useful business in my path, but software development has always been one of the main goals for me.
During the transition from the 4th year to the 5th, already in the role of a master, the choice was made in favor of: [Specialized computer systems] (SCS), namely for the sake of completing my education path and comprehensive development in my profession.

Speaking, for the first 4 courses, as a student I liked it, the curriculum was more than normal. I was especially impressed by the lectures of Professor Khakhanov. His manner of presenting information to students, for me as a student, was something out of the ordinary, and on his lessons, there was only one nuance, alas, but they always came to an end. The student’s life itself and its everyday routine will not leave my memory. I am expecting the same from the 5-6th year of my studies.
That’s all, thanks for your attention.
(Valery , 5 course)


Student feedbackI initially knew that I wanted to enter the faculty of computer engineering. So choosing a University wasn’t a problem.
Of course, the first two courses we taught General subjects, as in all other higher education institutions. But when the profile ones started, I realized even more that I didn’t make a mistake with my choice. First, very interesting items. Secondly, teachers who are able to convey complex theoretical aspects to us-students. Third, I want to delve into the study of these subjects and analyze the applicability of the theory in practice.
The specialty “specialized computer systems” provides an opportunity to gain extensive knowledge in order to be ready to learn new functions in the future and be competent in almost all areas of computer systems.
We are taught to understand programming, computer logic, hardware description languages, microcontroller systems, computer viruses and tools to fight them.
The faculty provides a good start for implementing itself in the majority of it companies aimed not only at software development, but also related to the development of computer components, cloud data storage, embedded systems and the concept of the Internet of things. In other words, there really are prospects. To study very interesting, especially in NURE!

(Vladyslav, 5 course)


Student feedbackHi, my name is Dasha, I am a 5th year student of the CADD department. When I entered the university, I did not know exactly what I wanted to do specifically in the IT field. I opted for the faculty of CEC. Here, training covers all possible areas in the field of IT and provides an opportunity to plunge into each area deeply enough. The teachers are of a very high level and are very motivating to learn and gain knowledge. Lectures, laboratory and practical exercises will definitely not let you get bored. I decided to continue my studies in the magistracy at the department of CADD, because it was the specialty of SCS that turned out to be the closest to me. In addition, I have developed excellent relations with the teachers at the CADD department, and it is a pleasure to study here. (Darya, 5 course)


Student feedbackWhen choosing a university, I did not understand what exactly I wanted to do in the IT world. And I made the right decision when applied to study at the faculty of CEC. Here, studying is not concentrated on only one area of computer science, but, on the contrary, covers all possible areas of it. Then I made my choice in favor of the CADD department. The subjects on it seemed to me the most interesting and relevant.
In addition, the teaching staff was already familiar to me from previous courses and proved to be excellent specialists not only in their subject, but in general in many areas of the IT sphere. Many of them are active employees of large companies.
They also always try to interest students and individually help to deal with the difficult moments of learning. In general, the entire bachelor’s degree was as interesting and effective as possible.
I decided to continue my studies here, having entered the specialty SCS. And even under quarantine conditions, training proceeds to the fullest without any difficulties.
(Vitalii, 5 course)


Student feedbackFrom the very first course, we already had programming subjects, which laid the foundation for the next 4 years of study at the university. For many students, this was the first step for further deepening of knowledge in programming, because there has always been an interest in these subjects. Then there was the choice of the department for further training. Having chosen the AD department, I have never regretted it. Very interesting subjects, all the teachers tried to pass on their knowledge to the students, in case of any problems they always went to a meeting and helped. In addition to programming subjects, there are also subjects for the study of computer architecture, computer networks and circuitry. Having received a bachelor’s degree, I made a decision for myself to continue my studies at the department, entered the magistracy in the specialty SCS (specialized computer systems) for further development in the computer field. (Denis, 5 course)


Student feedbackAlready 4 years have passed since I entered NURE. Having received a bachelor’s degree, I decided to acquire a master’s education at the department of Design Automation and now I am studying at the 5th year. I came to Kharkov from another point of the country, namely from the Zakarpatska region. For 4 years, I met many people, received a lot of knowledge from teachers who are professionals in their field. At the beginning of the third year, I got a job as a developer of mobile applications for the Android OS. Many will ask how to combine study and work? In NURE there is a system of free attendance of classes, that is, the student has the right to study according to an individual schedule, which he must agree with the teachers. A big plus is the fact that teachers are sympathetic to employment and are in the position of a student. I am also very grateful to the group of teachers of the Design Automation Department for the good attitude towards students, everyone will help to solve the problem, if any, and also prompt how to solve this or that problem. So, to summarize, I can say that NURE provides a lot of experience that will be useful for further employment in the field of IT technologies and I don’t regret a bit that I chose NURE and the Design Automation Department. (Serhii, 5 course)


Student feedbackI study at the faculty of CEC on SCS specialty. When choosing a specialty, I had no knowledge about software or hardware development, but I knew that it was an interesting and promising direction that would always be relevant and would give an opportunity to work with modern technologies. So I ended up at CEC, where I was able to get basic knowledge of both software and hardware development. Finding myself among like-minded people who study modern technologies and are engaged in programming, I got motivation and a desire to develop in this area, and also was able to decide on the choice of a programming field in which I would like to develop and get a job.
After the second year I had to decide on the department of education, and my choice fell on the Design Automation department. And here I continued my studies at the magistracy. I chose this particular department, since here are gathered teachers who, in my opinion, do not just do their job, but have a desire to teach students and give them a high level of knowledge, as well as have a loyalty to the students who combine study with work in the field of IT. Here, teachers try to give the most relevant knowledge. At the Design Automation department, the bias is more towards hardware development, but knowledge about software development can also be gained.
(Evgenii, 5 курс)


Student feedbackI have been studying at the AD department for 5 years and I can say that here you can get a very good basic knowledge for starting in IT technologies. I very please, that the teachers allow replacing boring tasks from the manuals with equivalent, but more interesting for the student as an individual task. This allows you to develop faster and keep interest in the specialty. I also want to note that the knowledge gained here allows you to easily study any specialty in IT technologies. For me, it was a huge plus, because since upon admission I did not know exactly what I wanted to do. Also, in addition to studying, students can also engage in scientific and technical creativity at the laboratories of the department for every taste. (Vladimir, 5 курс)


Student feedbackHi, my name is Dmytro, I am a 5th year student of the CADD department. Since high school, I knew that I wanted to get a higher education in one of many IT specialties. Difficulties arose when I had to choose the faculty and the vector of my further professional development. Doors open day at the university helped me to decide which direction to move, I choosed faculty of Computer Engineering and Control. I liked the educational program that focused not only on software development, but also on hardware.
The first 2 years of study were the most productive for me. In my first year of study, I began to get interested in mobile development for the iOS platform. Thanks to a wide range of topics, from discrete mathematics and the basics of operating systems to algorithms and various programming paradigms, at the end of my second year I was able to get my first job as an iOS engineer. Although I changed my first company long ago in favor of a larger and more interesting one for me, I continue to work and develop in this direction.
I would like to say a few more words about the CADD department. After graduating from the bachelor’s degree, I did not hesitate to continue my studies, but already in the specialty of Specialized Computer Systems. Teaching staff to whom you can turn for help or advice, even if it is not directly related to the curriculum. Or just chat informally on topics that you are interested in. The department has purchased modern equipment that can be used outside of school hours. A good example is an auditorium equipped with iMac computers. This makes it possible to add relevant and interesting subjects to the program, for example, development for mobile platforms. All these points and many others turned out to be decisive in the choice of the department and the direction of my further profeccional evolution.(Dmytro, 5 course)


Student feedbackMy name is Sergey, I am a 5th year student of the specialty SCS.
My choice was determined by the desire to try myself in programming, this topic was very interesting to me, but due to the lack of experience in this craft, I could not determine for myself which branch in engineering I should choose: software or hardware engineering. Here I found that CEC provides me with exactly this – the opportunity to gain knowledge in these two directions and decide how to move on.
The most decisive for me were the first 2 years of study. My path from the basics of programming and Boolean algebra to the paradigm of algorithmic thinking and the design of complex hardware systems was expected to be successful thanks to the professionalism of the teachers of the APVT department and the freshness of the information they share with students. At the beginning of the 3rd year, already being a student of the APVT department of the SCS specialty, I got carried away by web development, which to this day brings me pleasure and the opportunity for professional and career growth. The tolerance of the department and its teaching staff towards students and their choice of activities that allows me to feel very comfortable doing software engineering as my main activity, and makes it possible to study and get involved in the development of hardware as a favorite thing.
As a student of the APVT department and looking back at 4 years of bachelor’s degree, I did not even think of another alternative, except to become a student of this department again, but already a master’s student. Ease of communication and understanding of teachers, tolerance, their high-quality knowledge in the areas of software and hardware engineering, and what is important – relevant knowledge – are these the main points that definitely influenced my choice.(Sergey, 5 course)
