Design Automation Department


Automatic lighting system for indoor plants based on the Arduino board

The defense of the bachelor’s thesis, which is focused on the achievement of sustainable development goals by the university, “The system of automatic lighting of indoor plants based on the Arduino board”, took place.The author is Denys Mykolaiovych Korsun, 3rd year student. KIUKI-18-7
Supervisor – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer T. Rozhnova.
As a result of the qualification work, a functional model of the lighting control module for indoor plants was developed and an own project scheme.
In the course of the work, the following was developed in stages:
– a microcontroller system for automatic lighting control;
– synchronized work with the Android application for this system;
– The ESP8266 microcontroller board was selected.
Based on the developed functional diagrams and algorithms:
– an automatic lighting control system was built;
– developed an application using the JAVA programming language in the programming environment Android Studio;
– the necessary program modules were implemented;
– testing was carried out.
Testing has shown that the module can perform all the functions that included in the project goal.