Design Automation Department


Volodymyr MIZ

Volodymyr MIZ

11111Research. Machine Learning. Software Engineering

Education and Career

Doctoral Assistant
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
2016 – present

Research intern (network inference algorithms)
IST, Lisbon, Portugal

Software Engineer
EchoStar LLC, Kharkiv, Ukraine
2012 – 2016

Research intern (hardware development)
INSA, Lyon, France

EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), Lausanne, Switzerland
PhD, signal processing and machine learning at LTS2 lab

University of Radio Electronics, Kharkiv, Ukraine
BSc and MSc in Computer Engineering


Miz, V., Hanna, J., Aspert N., Ricaud, B., & Vandergheynst, P. (2020, April). What
is trending on Wikipedia? Capturing trends and language biases across Wikipedia
editions. Companion Proceedings of the 2020 World Wide Web Conference.
Taipei, Taiwan, ACM, 2020.

Miz, V., Ricaud, B., Benzi, K., & Vandergheynst, P. (2019, May). Anomaly detection
in the dynamics of web and social networks. Proceedings of The Web Conference
2019. San Francisco, CA, USA, ACM, 2019.

Aspert, N., Miz, V., Ricaud, B., & Vandergheynst, P. A Graph-structured Dataset
for Wikipedia Research. Companion Proceedings of the 2019 World Wide Web
Conference. San Francisco, CA, USA, ACM, 2019.

Miz, V., Benzi, K., Ricaud, B., & Vandergheynst, P. (2017). Wikipedia graph mining:
dynamic structure of collective memory. arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.00398.
Miz, V., Hahanov, V. (2014). Smart traffic light in terms of the cognitive road traffic
management system (CTMS) based on the Internet of Things. Proceedings of IEEE
East-West Design & Test Symposium, Kiev, Ukraine, IEEE, 2014

Review of the graduate of the Design Automation Department Vladimir Miz, Ph.D. Sciences, developer of artificial intelligence.