Design Automation Department


Mobile plug-in to the Smart Home system using solar power

The defense of the bachelor’s thesis, which contributes to the sustainable development of society, “Mobile accessory to the Smart Home system using solar power”Author – Olexandr Eduardovych Konstanchenko, gr. KIUKI-18-8
Supervisor – prof. Nemchenko V.P.
In the course of the qualification work, the following mobile a mobile application to the “Smart Home” system was designed and implemented using solar power supply. The method of qualification work is the analysis of modern Smart Home systems and the distribution of a wet mobile add-on for the “Smart” booth, which will be the mother of life on sony batteries. During the course of the work, modern tools and technologies for the implementation of a mobile add-on were analyzed. The choice of technology was made to implement the application on the client side and on the server side as well.