Design Automation Department


APOT Department Ranked Among the Top Ten Best Departments of NURE in 2023

The Department of Automation of Control Processes and Telemechanics (APOT) of the Kharkiv
National University of Radio Electronics (NURE) has made it to the top ten best departments of
the university, according to the 2023 ranking. This achievement has been confirmed in the
official report published on the university’s website as part of the annual monitoring of the
quality of educational processes and scientific work of departments.

In the past year, the APOT department demonstrated outstanding results in several key areas:
scientific activity, implementation of innovative educational technologies, and organization of
the educational process. The ranking was based on multiple factors, including academic mobility
of students, research outcomes, and the preparation level of graduates.

This success is the result of the hard work of the department’;s team, which actively develops
cooperation with industrial enterprises, updates academic programs, and implements modern
teaching methods. The inclusion of the APOT department in the top ten best departments of
NURE is an important step towards enhancing its reputation and further integration into the
international scientific community.

Congratulations to the APOT department on this significant achievement, and we look forward
to more successes in the future!


Report link: Top Ten Best Departments of NURE