Department of computer engineering design automation


Anniversary of the Institute of Computer Systems of Odessa Polytechnic


The Institute of Computer Systems at the National University “Odessa Polytechnic,” renowned in Ukraine and beyond, is celebrating its 60th anniversary.

It is distinguished by its strong scientific schools, which facilitate fundamental and applied research, implement innovations in the field of information and computer systems, train highly qualified specialists, and support dissertation defenses.

For many years, the scientists of the Institute of Computer Systems of Odessa Polytechnic and the Department of computer engineering design automation at Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (NURE) have maintained warm relations and fruitful professional collaboration.

We congratulate our colleagues on their anniversary!

We wish you inspiration for new scientific ideas and achievements, the preservation of traditions, health, and energy!

With respect,

Head of Department Svitlana Chumachenko and the staff of the Department of computer engineering design automation at NURE.